Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Flu Bug to Bite Southern Illinois

Doctors are anticipating the virus will be here in full force in the next couple of weeks.

According to the latest map from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are local outbreaks of the flu in Illinois.

Family physician Kurt Martin practices at the Center for Medical Arts in Carbondale.

On News Three This Morning Friday, he talked about the potential spread in our area.

"We have seen some flu in St. Louis. We've seen some at the Center for Medical Arts. I've tested a couple of dozen people. Haven't seen it yet, but I'm pretty certain it will be here in the next couple of weeks."

Doctor Martin says in addition to the flu threat right now there is a nasty virus going around. People are experiencing fever, sore throat, and pink eye with it.

"Take some non steroidal anti inflammatories, ibuprofen. Aleeve. Get plenty of fluids, take some Mucinex. If it persists, gets worse, hard to breath, fever for three days, go get it checked out."

As for the flu, doctor Martin says the onset is sudden and most people know they've got it right away.

Things to look out for include a fever of 103 degrees or higher and--

"Your muscles hurt all over. It feels like someone beat you. A dry cough, sore throat. Flu does not cause runny nose. Flu does not cause laryngitis. If you have these symptoms you probably don't have influenza."

Doctor Martin suggests good personal hygiene and covering your mouth when you cough to prevent the spread of germs.

He also says it's not too late to get vaccinated against influenza.

"It takes three or four weeks before you're going to get the maximum benefit from the vaccine, but if we do get a flu outbreak in two weeks, it won't protect you now. But flu epidemics aren't one day. They're an event that usually take several weeks to unfold."

Doctor Martin says the virus going around has been turning into pneumonia in some patients.

He also suggests drinking plenty of fluids, getting lots of rest, and eating right in order to stay healthy.


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